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My life kind of revolves around lists. In the sense that if I want to GTD, it probably needs to be on a list. I’ve tried various note taking apps in the past, but I hadn’t found one that fits my work flow until Google Keep was released.

Prior to Google Keep, I guess what I did most was either create list within a Gmail draft email (so that it is synched across computers), or keep a text file on my desktop. With Google Keep, I have the sync capability, and a lot more organizational ability.

I typically only use (or I guess you could say always use) checklists with Keep. Everything is a checklist, such as things I need to buy or things I need to do. I also organize my things-to-do each week by having a checklist for each week, and then placing things on that list (and completing them). In fact, the only time I use non-checklists is when I need to scribble something down (which I hardly do anyways).

I’m thinking that I should use the reminder ability in Google Keep more though. Right now, I just put reminders in my (Google) Calendar and then when the day arrives, I will get notified. This pollutes my calendar – it might make more sense for me to just put it in Google Keep!