This week’s Hearthstone Tavern Brawl is “Miniature Warfare” which means that all minions are 1/1 and cost only 1 mana. This isn’t the first time this brawl has occurred, but I put together a deck to satisfy some quests and it turned out to be pretty fun (and decently successful). Here’s the Shaman deck list:
- Runic Egg
- Spirit Claws
- Tentacle of N’Zoth
- Loot Hoarder
- Maelstrom Portal x 2
- Unstable Ghoul x 2
- Hex
- Ironbeak Owl
- Lightning Storm x 2
- Mana Tide Totem
- Cult Master
- Elise Starseeker
- Bloodlust
- Loatheb
- Prince Malchezaar
- Psych-o-Tron
- Sludge Belcher
- Stormpike Commando x 2
- Illidan Stormrage
- Sylvanas Windrunner
- Stormwind Champion
- Chromaggus
- Kel’Thuzad
- Ragnaros the Firelord
- Alexstrasza
- N’Zoth, the Corruptor
I think this deck works because it has a little bit of everything. Card draw, defense (AOE, Loatheb, taunts, removals like Hex and Ironbeak, and one-offs like Stormpike Commando and Sylvanas), snowballing win conditions (Illidan, Bloodlust), and lots of high value cards (legendaries + Prince Malchezaar).
Too bad I have to get rid of this deck and build a Warrior+Battlecry deck for some new quests.