I’ve been playing a lot of dungeon run-type games in Hearthstone, but decided to take a break and go back to the traditional PVE. Still stuck on Blackrock Mountain, so decided to work on Lich King some more. The Hunter battle penalizes you if you have minions in your deck, so guess it’s time for spell hunter. Here’s my deck:
- Arcane Shot
- Bear Trap
- Cat Trick
- Explosive Trap
- Grievous Bite x 2
- Misdirection x 2
- Quick Shot
- Snipe
- Animal Companion x 2
- Deadly Shot x 2
- Eaglehorn Bow
- Powershot x 2
- Flanking Strike x 2
- Marked Shot x 2
- Multi-Shot x 2
- Wing Blast
- Explosive Shot
- Deathstalker Rexxar
- Lesser Emerald Spellstone x 2
- To My Side!
- Unleash the Beast
This deck took a bit of finessing and adjustment. Most of the spells are AOE to take care of the small minions at the start of the game and then the Frostbourne phase. I had to play it through about 20 times to get the right matchup. Deathstalker Rexxar is almost mandatory for the Frostbourne phase (although the time I won, I had it in hand, but didn’t play it until right after Frostbourne was destroyed). One or two powered up spellstones are also critical as the 2/6 lost souls end up fighting your 4 3/3 wolfs instead of hitting face.
If you didn’t play DK Rexxar in the 2nd phase, you’ll need it in the third. The ability to create lifestealing zom-beasts is necessary to overcome the Lich King’s hero power. In my winning game, he ended up doing 10+ damage per turn! Here’s a screenshot as I was winning the game:

I’m not sure how you’re supposed to beat the Lich King as Hunter without the DK or the spellstones!