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Tag Archives: freebies

I picked up tickets yesterday for the multi-nomer free concert happening at the North York Central Public Library in November. The point of this concert is to celebrate and market the TPL’s new local indie music collection. I’ve been hearing about it for awhile, but it seems to be disorganized and not quite announced on the Library webpages. The best sources to get the lowdown are on these two blog posts.

The draw of the concert is that it features Final Fantasy, the winner of this year’s Polaris Prize. I actually haven’t heard of any of the other bands before (and well, only one song by Final Fantasy). But, it’s free, and it’s indie and it’s a hop away from home; so I guess it would be worth it. The tickets I picked up were numbered 187 and 188, which means there were maybe 186 more from when I picked them up Monday night (first day you could get them). I also have no idea where they will be holding the concert, because if you’ve been to the library before, you’ll notice there is no stage area…