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Legoland was the fourth, and last theme park we visited on our trip; and I use the term visited lightly. The admission was another $60+ and although I’m a geeky fan of Lego, I don’t see how it would be worth the price of admission since we already saw animals, fairy tales and movie themed parks. We take the $10 parking hit, take some pictures and visit the gift shop without paying admission; but there was no gift shop outside and the gate was rather lame. Although on the way in, near the entrance, we saw a section of sponsored parking for Volvos (there is a Volvo-themed ride in Legoland)!

But lucky for us, we found out that we could get a 1-hour Shopper’s Pass and enter the park for free. We visited the gift shop, bought some overpriced Lego (but hey, we got our parking validated) and then dashed around the park for the rest of the hour. We spent a lot of time in Miniland USA which are reproductions of various cities and sites around the US in the style of Cullen Gardens and Miniature Village (but done in Lego).

Our quick visit was a interesting teaser for the park, it almost seems like it would be worth spending a few hours there; but maybe if the admission was only $20.