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A bit ago, I read about a neat study where lilacs were planted since 1965, and it was found that they’ve been blooming up to two weeks earlier now. The conclusion they drew from this is that climate change has been causing this change.

Well one example, or correlation isn’t really evidence; because this weekend, we went to High Park to see the cherry blossoms; on the exact same weekend that we went last year (they are only in bloom for about a week).

We had driven past High Park the week before (and the one before that), but trees weren’t even budding yet! We actually drove through High Park to make sure, and it was really busy! Every time I’ve been there recently, it’s always been busy (i.e. no parking spots), so this weekend, we decided to go early (relatively). We arrived at 11 and the parking lot was already full!

It was still a good idea to come early though, because the forecast called for rain in the afternoon. With the sun, there was nice contrast between the green grass and blue sky, but really, the cherry blossoms aren’t as pretty as magnolia blossoms!