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Apparently, we didn’t go to Luminato last year. I guess it wasn’t that interesting. I looked at this year’s schedule and it wasn’t engaging either, and didn’t have concrete plans of going. But we ended up going to various things on the closing weekend since we were downtown already.

The first place we went to was the Wish Come True Festival at the Bay Adelaide centre. From the website and description, we thought this would be a large exhibit of various cute things. But it turned out to be only one big “star burst” thing:

On Saturday, we headed to Queen’s Park for Luminato’s closing ceremonies. They had more of the Wish Come True Festival things scattered around Queen’s Park! Much better than the Bay Adelaide centre.

Also on location was the 1000 Tastes of Toronto and various premium restaurants from Toronto. We arrived after having dinner so didn’t partake. They had some interesting displays though, like this roast pig

It sure is unlike Chinese BBQ.

Telus was also sponsoring ecocab by giving free cab rides to various destinations around downtown.

we rode the ecocab for a quick loop around the U of T campus since we had parked close by. We were one of the last people to get a ride and by then a lot of the bikes had run out of batteries. We actually had to get out at one point so the bike could make it up the hill!