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As the price of gas increased, I remember hearing about some crazy strategies to get gas for cheap. Avoid filling near the start of the weekend, especially if it’s a long weekend; don’t fill up early in the morning; only fill up on a Tuesday, and not the Monday; OK some of these I made up because I can’t honestly remember what they were. They were too complicated to remember!

Having been driving more lately, the thing that I have discovered is that gas stations have moved to a more simple formula. Fill up at night for saving$$$. I don’t know the exact time they switch, and it seems like the switch in a stepwise manner, but around 10PM gas is generally much cheaper than in the daytime. I’m talking about a 10% decrease in price!

When I first noticed this, I, like everyone else lined up to fill up. There were crazy lines, and I pretty much had to wait 20-30 minutes to get gas. Some gas stations even had to close down because they ran out of gas. But this has been going on for a month or so, and it doesn’t seem to have stopped. It seems to be the gas station’s plan to do this, and I have no idea why they are (have to?) do this?

So, in lieu of understanding this phenomenom, my advice would be to not fill up in the day, and fill up at night.