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Yesterday was OMGWTFBBQ, a bbq organized by my roommate from Waterloo, Victor. I have been meeting up with friends from University almost once a week since coming back from my trips, so it was less of a catch-up and more of a pig-(and cow and chicken)fest.

Pauline an I spent Friday preparing a few drumsticks to bring, at last count we ended up with 68 of them, or about 15 pounds worth. We showed up a little bit early at about 4:30, but it turns out that Aaron had beaten us there and showed up a few minutes before. We started helping out by putting the chicken in the oven and other miscellaneous tasks.

As people started arriving, we started chomping down on some excellent ribs that Victor had prepared and fighting some bees. Eventually we built some honey pots that were really effective in attracting the honey seekers. Because a lot of my photoblogging friends were going to be present, I decided to not bring my camera since we would just end up with too many cameras and identical photos. Unfortunately, everyone felt the same way which means we have no photos of the event!

As we approached the expected number of 23 people, more and more food arrived. We kept eating, but the food pile only appeared to grow. I think people are supposed to bring as much as they could eat for themselves (if they only ate what they brought). Pauline and I figured that meant about 30 drumsticks between the two of us. So I think we, and everyone else, brought too much.

After some eating, frisbee, eating, chatting, eating, and some more eating, we finished eating and traded dirt on Victor; which was kind of fun actually because he had invited his University and high school friends, so there was a lot of information each group was missing. To excuse himself from this embarrassing charade, Victor excused himself to clean up everything so we can go off to the next event.

We were up in the air between BBT, karaoke, bowling, and going home so we ended up with the simplest choice, BBT at A Taste of Taiwan in Metro Square. 9 of us remained and with only one deck of cards between us (that we had to bring ourselves), so we decided to try our hand at Mafia. After learning the rules, we played a couple of games and it was really fun — suitable for a bigger party next time.