My friend Ed came up to Toronto for a weekend wedding this past weekend and a bunch of us elec2005 classmates met up to catch up. Rishi picked and made reservations at Basilico Ristorante up in Kleinburg. Where the hell is Kleinburg? It’s where the McMichael Art gallery is. I remember going there on a school trip, I think I was on a school bus for two hours to get there. It was pretty far. Although, I suppose it’s still in the GTA area being on the edge of Woodbridge/Vaughn.
The initial impressions of the restaurant were good, even though it was situated in a strip mall. The decor was nice, the waiters were dressed up and there was an air of professionalism to the place. However, I was a bit turned off at the service. They seemed annoyed that our large group didn’t order any wine or desserts/coffee. Although we did get suckered into getting 6 bottles of $6 water. The food wasn’t super but it wasn’t bad. I ordered a pizza, which was a safe bet. Why? Because on the cover of the menu, it said that this place was a division of Pizza Nova!
Afterwards, we intended to head over to Demitri’s for dessert, but the wait for our now-smaller large group was an hour! So instead we headed over to Victor’s place to play some Wii.