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Tag Archives: e71

I’ve spent the last week or so trying to decide what (new) phone I should buy so that I can catch up with the 2008 and 2009s. The obvious choice would be an iPhone, but I have this intense hatred when I think of an iPhone. I don’t know why, but I do. Maybe because it looks like a pop tart.

I seriously thought about a Blackberry, because it had a full keyboard and I could type blogs or notes on it on the go. I wouldn’t add a BB plan, so I would be one of those pretentious business-types. Like the iPhone though, there is a sufficient density of users that make the BB ecosystem large enough to support mature applications. Plus, some models (such as the Curve) are surprisingly cheap.

I also thought about some of the other smartphones. I have been hearing a lot of good things about the Palm Pre, but it has just be reduced recently (and I don’t think it’s even in Canada yet), so the cost was too prohibitive. Other HTC and Android smartphones seem promising too, but none of them had the right feature set and functionality I desired.

So what did I end up deciding on? I bought an Nokia E71.