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Tag Archives: e71

I am pretty impressed by the E71, but there are still some faults with it.

  • There’s no facebook integration. If I had an iPhone or Blackberry, I would have a custom app for facebook. But now I have to use the mobile facebook page which sucks.
  • The GMail app refreshes itself, and notifies you when there’s a new mail, but the notifications don’t stay on the standby screen of the phone. So if I miss the vibration or alert, then I wouldn’t know I have new mail unless I check the app. I could solve this if I use IMAP, but that’s not part of my browsing package
  • There’s no good RSS application. I want to sync my RSS feeds and then be able to read the full articles without having to go online again. But all the readers/browsers either need a connection to get the entire article, don’t cache the entire article, or only show summaries of each article.
  • There is no good IM application. I want to use two things, Google Talk and Skype. The only program that supports this (Skype really) is Fring, but it’s interface doesn’t use the limited screen real estate intelligently. Oh and I can’t logon to any IM over the cell network for some reason (i.e., I can only get on over wifi)
  • The keyboard is not that easy to use. I haven’t had Blackberry practice, so maybe it’s the same. I find I’m using my right hand to type, while finger typing with my left; but maybe it will improve with practice and familiarity.
  • No increasing ring. My SE had this nice feature where my ringtone would start softly and then if I don’t answer, it would increase in volume. This would prevent societal embarrassment when the latest Britney Spears song plays on your phone. I guess I’ll have to change my ringtone…
  • There’s no way to quickly enable/disable 3G. Not a big deal, but usually I don’t need 3G on as it wastes battery power.
  • 320×240 is not yet a standard resolution, a lot of apps (i.e., games) only support 240×320.