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Tag Archives: desktopindependence

Ever since I had internet access, I would login to my IM (ICQ->MSN->GTalk) and leave it online all the time. It would serve as my “answering machine” for when I’m not at my computer. That’s how I worked for the last 10 years, but now I think it is time for a change.

The feeling that I shouldn’t be on IM all the time started a few years ago, probably because as I got older, it seemed less necessary to be on IM as much. Now it feels positively outdated to sit at the computer and chat; really, do kids do this these days? It’s like sitting around and talking on a landline back when we were young – sure, you might do that in some circumstances, but that’s just not how people do things anymore.

I’m not going to grow up and disappear off of IM though. I’m going to log out from my desktop but I’m moving everything to mobile. People do all their chatting via text nowadays right? Instead of going to my desktop and checking for messages, I’ll just need to grab my phone. Now I just have to make sure my phone is around me at home…