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the last requirement for my undergraduate degree is now officially done (aside from the nasty courses i have to finish). i had hyped up the symposium greatly because it was going to be a great time, except we weren’t really able to pull our demo together.

not that we didn’t try, i mean we worked until 2:30 the morning of the demo (had to get up at like 7) and still couldn’t get it to behave properly. we had great plans. we had waldo toques, a waldo themed poster and our demo was gonna be cool. our idea was that when waldo walked around with his laptop demoing our project, we would bring up the group information of whatever booth you were nearby. meanwhile at our booth, we would show a map of where waldo was walking. it would have been pretty cool — had it worked.

aside from that, it was an interesting couple of days. while we were setting up on tuesday and before we put our poster up, we had several smart asses come up to us asking if we were selling computers. just because we had 3 laptops on our desk does not a computer store we make.

the second cool thing was that i got interviewed by the record! actually, i don’t even know if i made it into the paper at all, since i was too lazy to buy a paper and i can’t check on the web because they only allow subscribers to access their paper. anyways it was an interesting experience and i got really nervous when i had a voice recorder stuck in my face!