Last week in Toronto, I was watching CBC news and they said it hailed in Calgary. Not a big deal, it hailed in Toronto this year too! I was over in Calgary last weekend and just before I arrived, they said it hailed the day before I came too. I guess it is pretty common to hail in Calgary in August, the middle of the summer.
On Friday, the clouds were ominous again, but we made it inside the mall without it raining. Once we were inside though, we heard a torrential downpour hammering the skylights. And when we left a little while later, I found hail on my car!
A little hail is no big deal (especially since it wasn’t hailing anymore). So we headed home to rest for a bit. An hour later we headed out again to Calgary downtown for dinner. On our way, we saw a 10-car pileup that closed the road going the other way (we also saw 2 other accidents – a vicious three car collision spread out over both directions of the road, and a SUV that drove into an empty field and flipped itself) but as we got further downtown, it got even more weird.

On the street, it looked like the middle of winter, with slush on the road and piles of snow in the median. We parked at the restaurant, and the parking lot look like the middle of winter!

Even after we were done dinner (so about 3 hours after the storm) the “snow” was still all over the ground and not melted yet! Apparently the area of downtown where we were in was hit very hard. There was news coverage (and some cooler pictures) in the major papers.
It wasn’t all bad though, we were able to see a double rainbow because of the crazy storm!