This May was hot and incredulously I ended up going to a couple of hockey games, which is a great way to beat the heat. I also started reading again, thanks to the fact that I bought a Kobo Touch. I also saw my first movie in almost a year, and built another Android app

Over the long weekend, we didn’t do much. We went to Buffalo on the Saturday, and to the Islands on the Sunday (the picture is the Toronto skyline through the island airport). The trip to Buffalo ended up being pretty smooth, we hardly had to wait at the border on the way there or back, and didn’t have to pay tax on the $400+ purchases we made. However, it was quite hot on that trip, even though the high was supposed to only be the high 20s. Even if it wasn’t, it certainly felt like the start of summer.
We also started our language course at Seneca this month. We’re learning Korean, which seems a bit weird, but we have some interest because:
- We live in an area with a lot of Korean people
- The language is logical so (seems like it) is easy to pick up
Although I’m not sure how successful we will be – it seems like a lot of memorization still.