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Tag Archives: aroundthehouse

June started with a trip to Korea for a couple of days for work. Like the previous trip, it was pretty uneventful and short – I did get a morning of sightseeing in before having to fly back though.

This month, we tried to eat dinner a little bit earlier and then go out for walks & stuff afterwards. We didn’t do that as often as I would like but did go a couple of times. We also finished our backyard (more or less). Deck/fence has been stained and our patio furniture is assembled. That provides a good alternative to going to the park if we don’t have a lot of time – we can just let the kids loose in there. I think the only thing we need now is an umbrella. It’s also better to let them in the backyard as the weather gets hotter and hotter in the summer, they can quickly come back in for some A/C or a drink; although the drawback is they can’t ride their bike there.

June also saw the end of all of Apollo’s extra-curricular programs and pre-school. He’s on to his summer schedule (read: no classes) so gets to spend a lot of time around us now. Jovian celebrated his second year old birthday this month! He’s now older than Apollo was when Jovian was born – therefore, supposedly an independent toddler now!