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Tag Archives: 2008

February started with winter. Winter because it finally started to feel like winter. The temperatures were routinely -10°C, was windy quite frequently, it snowed a lot which result in two snow days, and because Wintercity was still happening (I went to two more Winterlicious meals as well).

The big news of the month, broke in January but continued into February. I’m talking about the Edison Chen sex scandel. I’ve only blogged about it once previously, but it brought all sorts of random visits from search engines to my blog. Sorry I haven’t posted any porn. The news that kept CNN in business in January, the Democratic and Republican primaries moved to the backburner with McCain all but scoring the nomination, and Obama and Clinton neck-and-neck. I’m a bit tired of hearing about this, so I’ll just wait until they decide who the Democratic nomination will be before paying attention again.

We had the inaugural Family Day, which resulted in a short week in an already short month. But I still ended up fairly busy with a bunch of miscellaneous tasks such as figuring out my RRSP contributions for 2007. I also attended the Auto Show for the second time in two years and the TSO twice.