On Tuesday, I randomly ran into my supervisor and he asked me: “Do you have a Passport? How do you feel about going to France?”. That took me by surprise as I just returned from China and went back to work the day before.
It turns out that our group had a paper published in a workshop called SysML. Unfortunately, both authors were busy and since I was next in line in expertise, I was sent off to Saint Malo, France.
The price I have to pay is to participate in a 10-person panel for an hour and a half, and then give a 25 minute paper presentation. It seems like not a lot of work for what looks to be a $3000 (expensible) trip.
Also, since it was very short notice (leaving today), I was scrambling to get accomodations in Paris, train to Saint Malo, and registered for the conference. I didn’t even have a lot of time to plan sights to see and how to get around Paris! Well hope it works out well and I can figure out how to get around without French. I’ll have my laptop so should be blogging on-the-go. Oh yeah, here is a pic of Saint Malo:

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