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Daily Archives: July 27, 2009

I saw Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince last week. I really don’t understand heads or tails from it, because I’ve only seen one one other HP movie and haven’t read any of the books. Strangely, I never blogged a review of The Goblet of Fire.

So I am not a good judge of whether this was a good movie or not. In fact, to me it seemed like there was a lot of standing around and talking, with only a few short action sequences (the broomsticks game, in the wheat fields, and in the lake with all the dead people). I’m not sure how it ended up being two and a half hours long! It’s rather surprising that it cost $250 million to make (and another $150+ million to market). I guess there was a lot of CGI but, it was not upfront since there weren’t big building-sized robots or anything.

For me, some of the appeal is the fantasy world with archaic buildings and settings, and being able to make magical things happen. That lasts for the first hour or so, and afterwards it becomes a story with no beginning and no end. I’m probably biased against it, but I think HBP is a 2 out of 5 stars as nothing really happens!