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Daily Archives: June 27, 2009

Still on the Michael Jackson trip, and it got my thinking that him and Madonna (and to a lesser extent, George Michael) are who I think of when I think of 80s rock pop stars. They had hits outside of the 80s, but their best stuff were from that decade. It absolutely blows my mind that Madonna covered MJ (best stuff happens 2 minutes in):

I can’t imagine Britney Spears covering Christina Aguilera!

I could also easily identify who stands out in the 90s: Mariah Carey and Boyz II Men. There are lesser artists (Janet Jackson, Backstreet Boys, Ace of Base, TLC) but they can’t compare to the big names. But I can’t figure out who will leave the lasting impression from the 00s. Will it be Britney Spears, Kylie Minogue, Nelly Furtado or someone else I forgot? Maybe I’m just getting old.