Last year, I uploaded about 635 photos onto orangefever, an increase of about 537 photos, or ~600%. It seems like a lot, and it is a pretty overwhelming number to have to look through in one sitting, but in reality it is only a fraction of the pictures that I took. My primary camera, which I started using midway through last year has a counter at about 3000 now so orangefever only has about 1 out of every 4 photo.

Even with that low of a ratio, I’m wondering if I upload too many photos. On the one hand, it would be nice to upload every photo I ever take so that I have an online copy, of course I already do that somewhat with my trip photos. On the other hand, that’s just way too many photos to go through for me let alone a visitor to my site. So this year, I think you will see a decrease in photos, unless I happen to go on a boat load of trips (which I doubt).

I installed and played around with Gallery v2 and it was pretty neat with lots of features. But, I don’t think I will switch over to it to display my photos anytime soon. Much like my blogging software, I like how I understand it and can customize it to my needs. Plus, I like the fact that I can tag everything.

P.S. If you can’t view my photos, it’s probably because you need to create an account and login first.