when i was in high school, i had plenty of time that i could just waste on music; i would make tons of mix tapes, immaculately label the id3 tags on my mp3s and organize my cds in alphabetical order. now as i’ve grown older, my priorities have shifted and while music is still important in my life, i couldn’t justify spending a whole load of time playing around with my music. i’ve noticed recently some shifts in how i preview, access and utilize my music which i’ll continue to describe.
the way i used to find out about new music was to listen to the radio. even when the internet age came, i would spend more time listening to the radio and finding out the new singles and artists then i would downloading random mp3s from random artists. i didn’t have the same musical tastes as most of my friends so i couldn’t really rely on their picks; and it would have been tough to share music anyways.
nowadays, i find the radio to be downright annoying. the djs try their hardest to be funny but it usually ends up being very cliched. on top of their banter, the product commercials get in the way of really listening to music. to me, radio is a dead medium. so without radio, i’m left to the internet. i’m still not a big fan of downloading everything out of the blue to see what stuff i like, so instead i read some relevant music blogs, and see what my friends are listening to. the fact that my music tastes are now more inline with my friends also helps this. anyways, that’s how i find out about new music now; it’s limiting in that i won’t get exposure to different types of music, but there’s just so much music out there (mostly crap tho) that i need something or someone to filter it for me.
in the next installment of this series, i’ll talk about how i go about getting the new music that i like.
previous blogs about how i deal with my music:
my itunes master playlist
i’m a singles guy philosophy
organizing music in itunes
buying music online is too expensive
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