there are a lot of good software packages out there to host your own blog or even sites to host your blogs on, but i don’t intend and hopefully never will move my blog off my own server and software. what that means is that my blog will forever be behind in certain blog “features” that other people have because i never get around to implementing them. although if i really need a certain feature, i can always add it in and it’s because of that creative element that i like mucking around with my own code instead of using pre-existing tools.

which means it is much against my better judgement that i’ve started a xanga blog. the main reason for that move is because it looks like that’s the pseudo-social networking site people will be going to in the future (or asian people at least). it really is like friendster+blogging, and while i don’t want to get involved with friendster i like blogging so we’ll see how it turns out.

originally, i was just going to sign up for an account and leave the site sitting there, but i’ve decided to turn it into a digest of this blog. i’ve been thinking that of all my blogs, some are really throwaway (like this one) and some are keepers, so i’ll mirror some of the keepers onto my xanga blog. think of it like a best-of blog that’s not updated very often (and safe for work).

anyways, you should all join me on xanga and start a blog there too. if you do, message me and i’ll subscribe to it or whatever that does.