there’s an article suggesting that microsoft should begin embracing the concept of open source, and uses microsoft project as an example of how they should go about doing that. their argument is that while they should really be doing this to microsoft office, no one ever wants to lose their cash cow. so why not experiment on something else that a lot of people use but wouldn’t undermine microsoft’s bottom line? i wouldn’t have picked project tho, only a small number of people in the world use that; i would have picked internet explorer.
aside from the fact that it wouldn’t cost microsoft any money, it would help them immensely with their upcoming war against mozilla. the two main advantages that mozilla has over ie is its security and adherence to web standards. well i’m sure that the instant ie is open sourced, people will start tackling these problems. without any clear advantages, mozilla wouldn’t even be able to increase its market share from the paltry 1.2% it currently has.