I’ve been stuck on the Knights of the Frozen Throne single player campaign for a long time. So long that the set is about to rotate out soon! And it’s not like I’m playing hard mode, I just need to finish the final boss battle against the Lich King.
The Lich King cheats. No matter what class you use, he summons a spell to give you a significant handicap. Originally I tried with Mage where the handicap is to start with 0 life. To handle that, I used a deck that cheated out a counterspell on turn one (this involved a lot of restarts). But even with that advantage, I was still not able to beat him.
So the Lich King stayed in slumber for awhile and I finally beat him now. This time I used a murloc deck with Shaman. Shaman’s handicap is that all his minions are 1/1 (but still cost the same). Not a big deal as murlocs typically start out with low stats anyways. Here’s my deck:
- 2x Grimscale Oracle
- 2x Murloc Tidecaller
- 2x Bilefin Tidehunter
- 2x Blowgill Sniper
- Devolve
- Ghost Light Angler
- 2x Ice Fishing
- Murloc Tidehunter
- Primalfin Totem
- Windfury
- Coldlight Seer
- Lightning Storm
- 2x Murloc Warleader
- Primalfin Lookout
- 2x Call in the Finishers
- Old Murk-Eye
- Slitfin Spiritwalker
- Bloodlust
- 2x Everyfin is Awesome
Deck code: AAEBAfe5AgwzxQP1BOAF0AeTCdcP2A/2vQKRwQKGxALw8wIJ2wP+A+MFpwi/F4qtAuO7Aq28AovOAgA=
It still took a couple of tries for the combo pieces to land properly. I think this deck may only work with Shaman as the Call in the Finishers+Everyfin is Awesome combo is needed to amp up the damage on Lich King before he gets Frostmourne.
Well onto the other classes and Arthas…hopefully at some point.