I’m not sure why they did this movie. I guess they went through all the A-list Marvel properties and now they’re working on the B-list (see The Wasp). Thing number 2 is that Venom‘s story is so intertwined with Spider-Man that it feels very weird that he is not in this film. I think they made up a new backstory for him to get away from the world of Spider-Man.

Without the foil of Peter Parker, the story of Venom is not compelling. It’s a lot of Eddie Brock talking to himself. It also makes the ultimate bad guy and who to root for confusing (since in the typical story, you’re hoping that Spider-Man wins). Based on the post-credits scene, it sounds like they are trying to build a new mini-series with Carnage next (or it could just be a sequel like what they did with the Winter Soldier). I also found the Stan Lee scene to be dumb and useless. His cameos were funny the first couple of times, but now it is just wasting screen time. I guess this was his last one unless CG shenanigans are in the works.

The plot ends up being relatively faithful to Venom’s first story (revolves around a spaceship). But everything else around it smells weird. Glad I watched it for free as it is two out of five stars for me.