While February was short, it was also very winter-y. There were 2 big snow storms and the temperature was in general quite cold. Highs of -20°C to -25°C + wind chill on top were quite common. Family day long weekend was like that too, so we couldn’t really go outside. In addition to that, we had issues with our hot water heater; and that effected our furnace so we didn’t have heat for a day/night on that weekend. At least we were able to get by with space heaters, unlike the time we didn’t have electricity for almost a week in December 2013.
Jovian continues to grow, but he’s stuck in that phase where he is ready to crawl but hasn’t figured out how to do it yet. He’s gradually getting better – he can hold himself up on his hands now, and “move” by rolling around. However, he hasn’t figured out how to get on his knees. I remember it took Apollo forever to figure this out too. Jovian also has 2 baby bottom teeth now too!
I’m getting pretty tired of card games. I still start Solforge daily to get the rewards, but it’s no longer fun. I only play Hearthstone to get the new card backs every month. I’m ready to stop playing both of those now. I’ve also had battery problems with my Nexus 5 so didn’t play any games on mobile either (and have been carrying 2 phones around when I’m out).
I spent some time this month organizing the photos that I’ve scanned from my childhood. I think I’ve done most of what I can to organize the photos by month/year. Most of the remaining photos I can’t place. Hopefully I won’t have another one of these organizational projects next month (I did music in January).