Lately, I’ve been listening to ([a single] mp3) CDs in the car. I can fit something like 100 songs on a CD, which is pretty much the rotation of a radio station anyways. Although I get tired of my songs more easily because 1) I’ve listened to them many times before I put them on a CD, and 2) My CD doesn’t have any of the stupid DJ chatter or commercials. Sometimes though, I do switch to the radio to see if there are any new songs that are worth listening to (like say Mariah Carey’s latest single – Touch MY Body).
I was listening to the radio on Monday morning (it’s better to listen in the morning, since they have 9 in a row so less chatter/ads) and fortunately for me too. Because I heard that Coldplay was giving away a free download for their new single from their upcoming album Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends until May 6th. So I headed over to their site after work, filled in a throwaway email, and downloaded the single (well I had to do it twice, because people who signed up near the beginning didn’t get their emails).
I was surprised that Coldplay had a new album coming out, but then I thought about it more and realized that it was way back in summer 2005 that I picked up X&Y at the Bellevue Best Buy. That was almost 3 years ago! Violet Hill is no Talk, but I guess that’s because they didn’t sample anyone. I’ll have to give it a few more listens before I give it a Yay or a Nay though.