The last game I bought for my Gamecube was Burnout 2. It was a somewhat fun arcade racer that wasn’t as cartoon-y as Mario Kart: Double Dash. Since then, I have been on a console diet due to Warcraft; but with my Warcraft interest waning, I figured I should play some more Gamecube. I picked up Medal of Honor: Frontline for $10 at Futureshop awhile ago and have been playing that. It’s pretty neat in its depiction of World War II, and the sniper rifle is pretty fun. The AI is pretty dumb and can’t shoot for beans, but maybe it’s because I’m playing on the “normal” setting. I’m sure it could be much more challenging, but then it would also be much more frustrating.
While on the surface, it seems like a decent game, I haven’t been playing it much. The reason is that the game is structured into missions and each mission has a series of checkpoints. You can’t save at any of the checkpoints, only after each mission. The missions aren’t overly long though, probably between 20 to 40 minutes long. Usually I play and either I finish up a mission or I die near the end; but by then, I’m just too lazy to start again from the very beginning and sneak around everyone again so I just switch of my Gamecube and do something else. Maybe I’m getting too old, or this game takes too much commitment.