I didn’t have my Gamecube in Seattle so I’ve been catching up recently. I’ve been concentrating on two games, NBA Street Volume 2 and Metroid Prime.

NBA Street Vol 2 isn’t the most latest rendition (there’s a volume 3) but whatever, I’m not a big sports gamer anyways and I heard this was supposed to be fun. It’s one of those arcade style sports games, so the emphasis is on fancy moves rather than realism. The thing about basketball games is that I could never figure out how to play defense and I had the same problem in this game. At the easier levels, it was fine because the AI would miss or do something stupid, but once you moved on to the harder levels you actually had to try and play defense. In the end, I abused the AI and simply waited at the net for the shot and goaltended. Anyways, a good game for some fun and is pretty easy to finish.

Metroid Prime is the first Metroid for GC (as opposed to Metroid Prime: Echoes). I thought it was an FPS but it’s really an adventure game in the first person perspective — so not a lot of fighting and a lot of walking around. This game actually is kind of boring, although now that I have most of the weapons in Samus’ arsenal it is more fun. I only about halfway through this and to tell you the truth I may just let it linger, it’s just not that fun! Plus there isn’t enough contrast in the game so I can’t play it while it’s sunny out.