i’ve heard about audioscrobbler for awhile, but i finally got started on it because zmp was using it. anyways, it keeps track of what you’ve been listening to and outputs fancy aggregates of the artists and songs you listen to the most. the only drawback is you always need to have their plugin running (and an internet connection). actually, i should also mention that all my dirty laundry is on the web now because it plays no favorites as to reporting what you’re listening to.
anyways, while audioscrobbler is cool, it only started collection statistics since i’ve started using it. so it’s missing oh, a couple years of good music listening. awhile back, i posted my most listened to tracks through itunes so lets see what’s changed in the 8 months or so since.

the numbers haven’t gone up as much mostly because i added a lot more music into my library while i was in seattle. also, i started moving some songs out of my playlist so their play counts will begin to not increase as much in the future. now i just need to make the rising, dropping lists.
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