i spend a lot of time complaining about waterloo (both the university and city) but one thing that they do really well is macro-scheduling (i.e. not exam scheduling). i was doing an exit survey for my program and i gave them high marks for scheduling the order of the classes such that we don’t killed in one term.

another example is the reading week substitute that we have between end of classes and exams. this week off is great because comp sci and engineering students have probably been slaving for the last month completing projects and assignments, so they really need some time off to learn the material. people constantly complain about the “reading” 2 days that we get, but they never seem to complain that exams start later.

(yes i know this only happens in the winter term which doesn’t help coop students 2/3 of the time, but oh well) (greedy students are of course trying to get a whole week for reading week thereby jeporadizing the length of this pre-exam break)

naturally, waterloo somehow manages to screw up a good thing. all projects and assignments are supposed to be finished by the end of lectures but i still have two projects that aren’t due until later in april. i guess i now have an excuse to not studying during this break (not that i was really looking for one).