what have i learned in these past five years? a lot of stuff that i won’t ever use. but one thing that i’ve learned is that everyone wants to be successful. some people associate success with money; they want the highest paying job with the highest prestige. some people don’t, but have great intentions in mind to make the world a better place. both can succeed in their own way, and most people will be successful in their own, unique way. but there will be some people, who for some reason or another will not be successful; perhaps they’re stuck in a dead end job or just have nothing going for them. if you’re that person, then maybe you’re trying to measure your success with the wrong guide. just because society wants to measure how successful you are by how high you rise in a corporation or the number on your paycheck, it doesn’t mean that you should measure your success that way. so what i want to say is that everyone has to find their own path to success, because the more successful you are, the happier you are. my path has taken me through waterloo, and as i’m about to leave i realize my time here has left me disillusioned by many thing but has also revealed to me many possibilities in this world. it’s up to me to make the most of it and become successful.

yearbook quote: “forty years from now, we’ll only remember the good times.

yearbook photo: ???