it’s only a matter of time before robots will replace the retail industry. take mcdonald’s for example, right now they basically have a human drone assembly line. it wouldn’t be farfetched to say that they will eventually replace it with a robotic one, i give it another five years before they try it out. of course, not all retail jobs would be replaced, it’s still much more comfortable to speak to a live individual than to punch a touch screen or interact with voicemail. but a significant portion of the industry would be. since most of the people who work in retail have had difficulty finding employement, by replacing them with robotics, corporations profit at the expense of society. that’s what an essay i read recently talks more in detail about.
it’s a vicious cycle. corporations employ fewer of the lower/middle class, but have a smaller market because the same people they fired are the people they sell to. so in the end corporations will have less revenues and profit. the government will have to tax more to support the people on welfare, and since there are fewer people who have money, they’ll be forced to tax the rich people; that is the same people who profit from corporations making money. basically we’re all screwed.