One of the reasons we went to the US over the Labour Day long weekend was to perform a tradition for Jovian that we started with Apollo, namely to celebrate their 2 months birthday by 1) Going to the US, and 2) Having 20 nuggets (for $5!). When we did this with Apollo, we took some photos so it follows that we should do the same for Jovian. And once we have photos of both kids, of course it would be natural to compare them!
So here they are:

To set up Jovian’s photos, we went to the exact same McDonalds as the first one, sat in the exact same seats, and as you can tell from some of the photos, there were a bunch of other things that were similar. The hardest thing to get similar was to get Jovian to act the same as Apollo. It’s hard telling a 2 month old to do something.
Then, to practice our Equal Opportunity Parenting, we let Apollo re-take his two month old photos! Of course, he had to wear the same clothes as before.