August has come and gone. I blogged rather infrequently last month as it fell a couple of rungs (further) down my priority list. I had a couple of side projects going on. One was catching up on organizing photos of my kids. There are a lot of photos, and I’ve taken the philosophy that it’s better to have quality than quantity so it’s taken a long time. I’ve also been working on a niche Android app, which will probably not be of much interest to anyone that reads this blog, but it’s been interesting. I’ll blog more about that in September after I have some more analytics around it.
We spent more time outdoors this month now that Jovian is older. He still doesn’t get anything out of going out (he’s just accompanying us), but at least we can spend more time out of the house. We went a couple of places to pick vegetables/fruit. Apollo’s finally old enough to do those things, although I don’t think he really understands that they grow on plants.
I had a lot of cake this month as it was my birthday and we had two cakes to finish. We also made our first road trip to the US after Jovian was born on the Labour Day long weekend. It went fairly smooth, although we didn’t have much stuff to buy this time.