I am a huge fan of traveling as light as possible and one area where I am always optimizing is my toiletries bag. On this recent trip to Asia, I picked up some supplies at Daiso and Muji to further miniaturize my toiletries bag. Here is what my “version 4” toiletries bag now looks like:

I think it’s pretty small and I’m happy with the size now. I picked up the mesh vinyl bag from Daiso and bought the smallest possible bottles for body wash and 2-in-1 shampoo that I could from Muji (they are just for emergencies anyways, because hotels usually supply everything I need).
Also in this pack are:
- Toothbrush, toothpaste and floss
- Electronic shaver with built-in world charger (no need for extension cord or transformer) and long hair trimmer. This only has a single coil due to the size, which is annoying because it’s slow, but that’s the sacrifice to be compact
- Extra business cards in small waterproof baggie
- Bandages, rubber bands, alcohol wipes, backup floss picks, Q-tips, and a foldable nail clipper
The best thing is that it isn’t super “packed”. Everything fits with ease so I could even put in a towel if I needed.