January was a month of extremes. We had some cold weather during Winter for once (i.e., -20°C after windchill) and it lasted a week, but we also had two instances of record breaking warm temperatures (14°C and 9°C days). There was some snow, but any accumulation melted during those days.
We went out to the malls a bit more this month because the hoards of Christmas shoppers were now gone – actually got a couple of family parking spots too! But overall didn’t do a lot of shopping. I was hoping for some January clearance (online) sales and was surprised that they were lackluster. Maybe we’re not in a recession after all.
This month I spent my time fiddling with Happy Street, I’m at level 27 now and there is only content up to level 35, so I’m not sure how much longer I will be occupying my time with it.
Hockey started again in the middle of the month. The Leafs have been mediocre, as expected – a couple of wins (including a convincing one over Pittsburgh) but a couple of stinkers as well. The life of being a Leafs fan is truly bipolar at this stage of the franchise.
Here’s an obligatory photo of Apollo, now almost 4 months old:

He’s almost able to sit up by himself now and he enjoys babbling at his toys a lot.