Well the big news this month was that I went to the hospital on Thanksgiving weekend as Pauline delivered our baby boy, Apollo!

I then took two weeks off work to learn the ropes and get settled with the new member of our family. As you can expect, it’s a lot of diapers, waking up in the middle of the night, and etc. At the beginning it was hectic, but as we got more used to it and better at it, I regained some of my spare time back.
I spent some of my spare time wrangling with my website. First with WordPress, then with Gallery2. It’s actually a bit frustrating, because the work feels unnecessary but has to be done because things aren’t working as expected. The pleasant side effect to that is that I’m blogging (i.e., complaining) a bit more.
Most of the news that I’ve seen this month has been about the Presidential race (e.g. debates) between Mitt Romney and Obama. The NHL strike is still on, and both sides are still sending unreasonable proposals back and forth. Hurricane Sandy dominated the last week and rained on Hallowe’en trick or treating.
For the last few years, I’ve gotten a bit tired with taking photos with my camera, but I started taking more this month (to capture Apollo’s first few days!) and I think that trend will continue.