I remember that I had Punch Drunk Love on my list of “movies I want to watch” for a heck of a long time. Probably more than 10 years (it was first released in 2002) because I had likely heard about it as the serious Adam Sandler movie, in the vein of Jim Carey’s The Truman Show (wow that was in 1998 – no blog about that!). I also may have decided to watch it because it is directed by PT Anderson, whose Magnolia I had enjoyed shortly before then.

In any case, it was sitting on my list for the last ten years before I watched it earlier this month. It’s a short movie (90 min) and actually not that good. Maybe my tastes have changed or the art of movie making has changed, but I found it boring. Alternatively, maybe it is *supposed* to be boring! It is about the probably mentally disturbed Adam Sandler character as he eventually finds love in an abnormal for Hollywood, but probably quite typical in real life way. I was constantly waiting for something to happen, and when it does, it seems both weird and not outlandish enough for a movie.

I thought there were some neat cinematography parts but now I am watching movies more for the characters and their development. I seem to remember Magnolia had more of this and was expecting more from Punch Drunk Love. In the end I was disappointed, and will give this 2 out of 5 stars.