I haven’t heard of the Nixon brand until the last year or two, and I didn’t really pay attention to them as I thought they were a surfer/skater brand. Independently, I found this cool watch, with a silicon band, for $3 online. I like silicon bands because I don’t have to take it to someone to resize the band (although I should invest in a kit that does this). It turns out that this $3, shipped, watch is a counterfeit of The Newton by Nixon.

It’s a pretty good knockoff; the brand NIXON is even imprinted on the side. The only differences that I can tell is that the clasp is not yellow (which is fine, as it still works in the color theme), and the watch face is not exactly the same yellow as the band. That’s ok though – I’m quite happy to pay $3 for a $150 watch!
I like this watch because it is a sharp yellow that contrasts with the darker shades that I wear (in the winter). The use of dots for hour and minute hands also make it unique – in fact I’m not sure how it works; I think the hour hand is on a disc that turns, while the minute hand floats (maybe on another sheet or with a magnet).
In terms of complaints, I don’t have many. I guess the only ones are that I’m not sure whether the face will get scratched (it is plastic) and the strap holes don’t seem to be cut cleanly (but doesn’t obstruct their usage).