I’ve been blogging for can-you-believe-it over ten years now. That’s a very long time. But I think over the last year or two, my blogging and blogging in general has changed. In the beginning, it was a lot about spilling your unfiltered thoughts and ideas onto the web – your own soap box. People created blogs to be their diaries, and wrote about what they did every day (“went to the bathroom 5 times” etc). I think I shyed away from that and tried to post some more interesting thoughts that I had, or interesting things I found on the web.

Then, blogging became more accepted and more people started doing it. I think at that point, I (and other bloggers) realized that what we wrote is going to stay around for awhile, and we should tidy things up; maybe think a bit before dumping our thoughts because our names may be tied to our words. My blog cleaned up (I paid attention to grammar, spelling, capitalization etc) and I think the topics changed; I don’t want to take silly positions or post things that I may regret in the future (I don’t believe in history revision through deletion). My blogs started become more a record of significant things that happened (events, reviews) and less about me.

Now I think it has continued even further in that direction. My frequency of blogging has decreased in the last few months because there just aren’t that many significant things happening (or those that I want to blog about). I never really understood micro-blogging but now I think I do, it fills this niche where I can blog about myself without having to post it on my blog (giving me privacy controls and all that goodness, but also because there isn’t the overhead of writing a blog – it’s again back to that dumping of thoughts into a few short sentences). So I find myself just posting status updates on Twitter/FB instead of writing blogs about what I am doing.

So what does this mean for my blog? I think I will always keep something around because I want a place where I can dump long form posts; but it is no longer the first place where I post stuff (although I try and collect everything onto my lifestream).