I started playing this online, flash-based MMO called Glitch. The reason was because it had a lot of big-named talent surrounding it, and it was free! It was fun initially but now it’s a bit meh.
Glitch is played in your browser, and is Flash-based. While it’s a MMO, it’s not like World of Warcraft in that there isn’t much of a conflict aspect. In fact, it’s a lot more like Second Life where there is an economy and you can build things. There’s also a lot of similarity with Animal Crossing in that the graphics are cute and as a community you try and make the world better. There are quests, but a lot of them (at least what I’ve seen in the first 10 hours) are just exercises that allow you to learn the mechanics and tools within the game. That, and regular rewards (for XP, mood, and other metrics) can keep you playing, but I find it lacks the excitement of a real game.
It’s a time filler that I can play on a large screen, but I can’t see myself getting much of a fulfilling experience out of it (let alone paying for a subscription). In fact I don’t really see the end goal. It’s not like there are huge massive quests or raids to go on. I wonder how it will survive after the initial phase.
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