The Lords of Rikers
A look inside Juvenile detention in NYC:

Among the kids that Robinson hung around with in Brooklyn, Rikers is a kind of finishing school. A rough streetwise kid from the projects expects to be sent there, hears the stories, learns the jail’s rituals from older boys. And for Robinson, Rikers ran in the family. Israel Rivera, his father, spent time there on the way upstate for a murder he’d committed at age 15, two months after Christopher was born.

“When I was growing up, when a dude went to jail, it was the thing to do,” Rivera tells me. “You was a somebody. To be a man, you had to go to prison.”

Dan Rather: Inside Mark Cuban’s Gilded Cage
Dan Rather is no longer with CBS but at age 79 he is still reporting “for the love of the game art” at a small cable outlet owned by Mark Cuban. This article looks a bit at Cuban and a bit at Rather.

Where Have the Good Men Gone?
This one is about the “Knocked Up” generation – not pregnant women, but the immature man-child who just bums around with a couple of other single friends and never grows up.

Flash Fish
If you have a lot of money and a guy then your next monetary arms race might be in building an aquarium.

Why You Should Care About Cricket
Although this article is published on ESPN and is ostensibly about cricket, it is also a lot about India and how both are changing. A good read.

“The aggression, the brashness,” says Bhattacharya, the cricket writer turned novelist. “It’s now something which Indians see that this is what we have to do to assert our place in the world. We’ve been f—ed over for thousands of years. Everyone has conquered us. Now we’re finding our voice. We’re the fastest-growing economy in the world. We are going to buy your companies. Our cricket team is like going to f—ing abuse you back, and we’re going to win and we’re going to shout in your face after we win. People love that.”

The Assassin in the Vineyard
The story of how a celebrated vineyard in Burgundy very easily came under attack from a blackmailer.

Can Rob Kalin Scale Etsy?
Rob Kalin was one of the founders of Etsy, and has grown it into a business pretty well. But can he grow it into an empire?