Between our stops in Antwerp and Brussels, we felt like we were a bit ahead of schedule so decided to head up to Brugge (which is pronounced like rouge except with a B). It is supposed to be a tourist town that is very scenic.
Since this was unplanned, we had no maps and didn’t know what to see; we ambled into the town from the train station. My first impressions of the city is that it looks like Quebec City. Can you guess which is which?

I guess that’s why they say that Quebec City is very European. Eventually we wandered our way onto the main tourist arteries and squares and it did not look like Quebec anymore (too many chocolate stores).
Brugge seems to me like a combination of the Netherlands (canals and the distinctive roofs) and Belgium (everything else) but because we had just been in Venice (lots of canals), the NL and Belgium; I didn’t think it was as unique as it could have been.