One of the Xbox360 games we bought in HK was Tiger Woods 09. After conversion, it worked out to about $7CDN! What a steal. It is surprisingly fun, and Pauline plays even more than me.
Like most EA Sports games, there is an ability to “Be The Pro”. You can create a golfer with your name and go through a career and be the best (or better than Tiger). In addition to your name, TW09 lets you customize the golfer to be in your image. There are a lot of features to adjust before you can make a mirror image of yourself. Here is what Pauline came up with:

Accurate? Well at least her virtual persona looks Asian.
There is also a feature where you can take pictures of yourself with the Xbox Live Camera and have it generate a face for you. I tried that out and this is how I ended up:

It’s kind of accurate, although they messed up my skin color. In a few years, it might actually look like me in the games!