This July was a bit weird. It wasn’t hot, it was rainy, the garbage wasn’t picked up, we had to go to to two weddings, and we didn’t have to prepare for our own.

It was also weird because it felt like summer. Pauline doesn’t need to go to school, at least in the traditional sense, so my schedule is all different. I don’t need to sleep early and when I work from home, I’m not alone. But Pauline has been busy “in school” so I’ve been working through a couple of things including playing through The Simpsons Game that Nelson lent me.

We’ve also been preparing for our vacation, not so much the packing since it’s quick to pack a couple of backpacks, but figuring out the logistics and the plan. I think we have a good system now:

  1. Decide on a list of potential cities.
  2. Figure out what interesting places there are to visit in each city.
  3. Decide on a cities.
  4. Book flights.
  5. List out places to visit in the city
  6. Map things to visit in cities.
  7. Book hotel to make things logistically work.
  8. Figure out scheduling.
  9. Get there and have fun!

At least it sounds like it works in theory.