This week was TechConnect at the lab. TechConnect is a mini-conference where we can share ideas and technologies with others at work, and a means to pad our resume. Like last year, I presented a poster this year too.
This year, we were given the option of presenting our posters in Second Life as well. Second Life is a 3D online environment where you can virtually interact with other people; kind of like World of Warcraft except there is no real goal or reward. IBM has a big presence on Second Life and setup TechConnect on one of its islands.

The point of the exercise was so people from outside the lab would have an easy way to participate. There is a neat piece of scripting in which they placed our posters into Second Life as really big slide show projections. You could navigate through the deck like you were reading a Powerpoint presentation. Here’s my poster.

Aside from that though, the experience was pretty dumb. I didn’t have to interact with anyone, and no one really read my poster. Also I tried making my avatar look like me, but it was incredibly difficult! Hence my twin is standing off to the right.