Rock Band has this cool feature where you can create your own character to rock the guitar, drums or vox too. It was neat to design a rock star in my image (or not really my image but whatever) the first couple of times, but then I got a bit bored and decided to have some fun. I started making characters from some unique celebrities. Here’s my first attempt, in making Avril Lavigne.

I thought it turned out pretty well so I had some confidence and decided to try my hand controller at some others. Here’s John Lennon

I thought Lennon was a bit iconic with his hippie hair and glasses. But in actuality, it was pretty difficult since he doesn’t have any iconic clothes. Here’s Bono of U2 fame. He was pretty easy to create with his greasy hair and stylish clothing. The only problem was that Rock Band didn’t have glasses like the normal ones he wears.

Another easy one I thought was Elvis Presley, except that I hit another road block because they didn’t have his unique jumpsuit. But I think Elvis turned out pretty well!

Even though Rock Band has numerous tops, bottoms, and shoes; but even then I couldn’t find a lot of the clothing I needed! Too bad I couldn’t download them.
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